sound blog

 Hi! I’m back today were going to be talking about sound,  


Listen to yourself making a sound just by talking If the door is closed then you can’ t hear if the door is open you can hear. and if  a desk is moving you can totally hear it.


 Vibrations are Kind of moving things. But you can probably hear them sometimes touch your neck then put your hand under it and you can feel your neck vibrating. While you’re talking. 


Whenever you talk like if you’re in a small room maybe it’ll echo. echos are something that kind of bounces back at you. Or if your on a mountain maybe it will echo too sometimes it will happen sometimes not it sure has happened to me before it was really cool. If you want to know more about echos heres a video you can watch 


Pitch Is a high or low sound a Flute makes a high-pitch sound where a tuba makes a low pitch sound Sometimes high-pitch can hurt your ear And sometimes lower pitch you can’t hear it well as you would as high pitch

Experiment time

things you need first we start of with salt and a tuning fork and a plastic container and plastic bag.

your getting there then smack the tuning fork on a table and then hover the tuning fork over the salt and the salt should move + the tuning fork made a noise.


The ear is a project on making an ear so here is mine all of my classmates are doing it too I made this with my friend Maia. Here is a picture

Hooray you did it 

…and now you know all about sound!!!

1 thought on “sound blog

  1. hi your ear was really nice why did you not do it 3-d like other kids the class? the picture you did at the top was really funny.

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