parashat ki sta

What we learned was that Moses people were nervous that Moses wasnt coming back and then Moses brother was like i need your gold and the people gave all there gold and Moses brother made a golden calf and g-d saw and was un-happy and Moses asked g-d to give his people another chance and then he looked to see what really happend and he was so mad that he broke 10 commandments because the people were dancing and praying to the golden calf

My charecteristicts the good ones are: im funny i horseback riding my bad ones are: i can be mysteriously mad.

Innovation day

Hello everyone, today I will be talking about my innovation day project.


I was working with my 2 best friends Lulu36 and MaiaG. (That is their blog names.) Here is our problem the teachers gave us:


How can we provide renewable energy sources to community outdoor spaces in an energy-efficient way that still maintains the safety and “fun” aesthetic of the space?


What I thought was going to happen was that we made a whole stable. turns out all we got done was a simple arena so that definitely changed! We also thought a lot more would get done and we wouldn’t be missing a whole partner. I also thought that it would be way easier and less tiring since it was 2 of us with our steps the cardboard part was hard and since we had many struggles it wasn’t easy but I loved it.


The materials we used were 

  • Cardboard
  • Spoons
  • Straws
  • Aluminum foil
  • Sand
  • Clay
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Hot glue
  • Paper 
  • Glue
  • Scissors


Our procedure was to use hot glue, put the cardboard together, put aluminum foil, then add sand, then make the wind turbines with straw and spoon. then make clay horse and rider and coach. The last few steps are to make the board print out our writing and put it together to draw horses and glue it on. add string and hot glue printed pictures of wind turbines on thats all. With our communication we worked well together, got along and figured hard things out together the whole time. If I could change anything it would definitely be my other partner Lulu36 was here and not on vacation, but good on her! for helping the last 2 days. We had and did some clay business but did not help much because she was gone, sure we needed some shaping but yes she helped make some clay and she made hot glue and hot glued some paper on and she did a great job but who knows if we would’ve finished without her! Probably we would but she came back😀 It was great when she came back not because of the project but because she’s my best friend other than maiag so it was a happy day. But we were close to being finished as you read from before. I can say, it did help when lulu36 came back since we had 3 people instead of 2 we got done all the way through our project part but during the writing part it was fine we wrote well but when Lulu36 came back we had not put it up yet and so she decided to put them all up Lulu36 also made a jump and maiag made a jump too and our coach (which got stolen) along with our other horse who got stolen as well, Yup! We used to have 4 horses, not 3 4! Since that got stolen we unfortunately had absolutely no time to make another since it was so time consuming but in my opinion we had the best project ever but other people might have different opinions than me.


In conclusion I think this project was fun and great but stressful too and would have been much better if our other partner Lulu36 wasn’t on a vacation but it’s alright. We worked great together, we used lots of materials, we fixed all the problems that happened along the way and it was great. Our project was good, especially on our poster board.


That’s all for today. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and keep scrolling for more pictures bye bye.


In fractions I already knew that you need the tiny number on top of the bigger number Today I learned lots of stuff like that theres minusis➖ ?? Anyways I want to learn about minusis because I don’t  understand them. I also learned like this, You and your friends are sharing a pizza🍕. You need to cut and the pizza is needed to be cut in half so you cut it in half with this 1/2 and you do that now you have got a pizza to share with your friends🍕.

B’tzelem elohim

1.What does it mean to be made in G-d’s image?

It means everyone is the way they are.

2.What do you think this says about you and your friends?

Well me and Lulu and Maia all love horses but Maia loves hockey I hate sports except horse riding and skiing we are all kind of the same.

3.Is everybody the same?

No, Not everyone is the same some people can like the same things and some people dont like those things so no not everyone is the same.

4.What makes each of us unique?

So I love horses and many people hate them and so it would make me unique.

5. I apprieciate Gila for giving me a present


Cursive writing

Hi its me im going to be talking about our cursive writing unit.

Here is a picture of my cursiveIn cursive writing all we are basicly doing is squiggly lines but hard squiggly lines. So far I have done: the, that, mat, look, put, and, with, then and don’t, Put was really easy but look was very hard. I like cursive but I wish it was easier.

Mon projet sur les Algonquins


Titre: Mon projet sur les Algonquins– Une réflection finale


Madame Sylvie nous a demandé de réfléchir sur les points suivants à la fin d’un projet de groupe qui a duré plus de huit semaines. Ce projet avait plusieurs exigences:


  1. Rechercher de l’information pour satisfaire 8 catégories
  2. Distribuer les tâches entre nos membres de notre équipe
  3. Préparer une présentation sur CANVA
  4. Créer une maquette d’un village Algonquin
  5. Apprendre par coeur quelques lines au sujet de notre peuple autochtone avant l’enregistrement
  6. Parler en avant de la caméra
  7. Présenter notre projet sur CANVA


Maintenant, je vais vous dire ce qui a bien fonctionné pendant notre fabrication de notre maquette. Est le animaux

Par contre, à mon avis, ce qu’il faudrait changer si on faisait ce projet une autre fois c’est ajouter des chevaux.

Pour la présentation sur CANVA, je pense que ce dont j’ai bien fait c’est ecrire.


Cependant, il y a plusieurs choses dont je dois améliorer pour la prochaine fois comme plus de francais.

Ci-dessous, vous trouverez une image de notre maquette dont je suis très fiere.