Innovation day reflection


I have really exciting news to share! But first I am going to jump into my reflection because if I tell you now it’s a spoiler😅

Let me begin,

It all started by finding out the theme of innovation day. The theme was electricity!! Me and Starielle worked together on this project and decided on making a surgery game. Starielle told me it didn’t have to only be a person getting surgery she told me it could be anything. Naturally I chose horses since I ride them and love them!🐴 Starielle was like yeah sure not a bad idea. So we finished our research and were doing so good that we finished early and started building quicker than most people. We had a couple struggles along the way but got through them. Basically I have ADHD, my partner Starielle doesn’t. So it was really hard for me to not get off track. Naturally for someone who doesn’t have ADHD and rarely gets off track, yes it would be annoying. So yeah it was harder with that and we managed! We both thought it would be fun to dress up and we dressed up as surgeons. Both our parents are nurses and doctors and so they got me and Starielle surgeon caps, surgeon gloves, surgeon masks, surgeon foot thingies and they both gave us they’re old stethoscopes. Finally my mom took me to get me and Starielle scrubs. Our outfits were complete! We presented and did great! We made jokes along the way through our speech or whatever its called and the judges loved it. 

NOW!!! Here for my exciting news! Are you ready?

We got 2nd place!!! 🤩🥈

Thanks for reading bye!😃


Here are some pictures of me and Starielle! 🥳

Mizvah project

Hi im back and this is my mitzvah project in jewish studies

Mitzvah #1


The mitzvah I have done is not to cross breed cattle from different species and birds count too. The meaning of this mitzvah is to not cross breed animals because its bad for them in a lot of ways I think this mitzvah is important because It is more likely for crossbreeding to cause problems medically and genetic issues passed downThis mitzvah can impact my life and the lives of others because In the animal world they would be more  healthy and would decrease the chances of genetic problems.


Mitzvah #2


The mitzvah I have selected is To not muzzle a beast while working so it can eat happily and enjoy itself. The meaning of this mitzvah is  No beast should be in misery with a horrible muzzle on that probably hurts ESPECIALLY when the animal is doing work for you at least let it enjoy its work I think this mitzvah is important because no animal should have a muzzle on especially when they are working for you and are trying their best This mitzvah can impact my life and the lives of others because If they are being muzzled you’re basically starving them until they eventually die. It’s wrong to do that and who are we to put on something like this when they are helpless animals who can’t communicate to you so they can’t fight back and tell you NO



Mitzvah #3


The mitzvah I have selected is To not kill an innocent person.The meaning of this mitzvah is To not punish a person who did nothing for no reason. I think this mitzvah is important because Innocent people should not be punished for something they didn’t do and had no control over to stop the decision of  dying This mitzvah can impact my life and the lives of others because No innocent person should die because someone else did something and they got blamed for it.


Thats my mizvah project thanks for reading bye!

My GOAL progress!

Hi its me im back and im going to be talking about my acedemic goal update and how its going!

My academic goal is division in math and learning how to do it ive made a tiny bit of progress i still dont understand it though. I’m not really on track I dont really want to learn it honestly so I mostly focus on quizzes tests and homework  so not really. This goal is important to me because I need to learn how to if I want to be a vet.

Thats everything bye!

My smart goals


Hi I’m back and this is my smart goals 2024-2025

This year I would like to achieve not calling the teacher for help the minute I get my work. I will know when I completed my goal when I can do my work without calling the teacher fast (Help is okay, just not too fast.) The people I will need to help me complete this are my teachers and my dad. The goal is realistic, yes but it will be hard. This goal is worthwhile because I will soon need much less help which will get me farther in life. Imagine asking questions during your job, Pretend you were a surgeon you will not be asking where does this go? You would lose your job. I would like to finish this on March 5th 2025.


I would like to improve my math skills. I will try working on single number division since I do not know how to do division at all. I will know I have completed this when I can do single number division with ease. The people who can help me with this will most likely be Ms. M, Ms. Cleveland, Ms. Beswick and my parents. The reason I need this skill is because when I am older I will need a job and the job I really want involves a lot of math. I hope to achieve this goal on June 25, 2024.

My Mishpacha Project

Hi im back and today I will be talking about my mishpacha project!

I found this project interesting because I got to interview my family and dig deeper into the past of my family for KNOWING MORE!!

I had interviewd my dad and he told me a lot of stuff about my familys past

A couple new facts I learned were: My great zaida use to sell jackets and got to go to japan for buisness perposes with his wife. (my great bubbie) I also learned that we are ashkenazi.

thats everything bye!


Mishpacha project by emma.bokhaut

Saba’s third drawer

We just read half of a story on the holocaust,

Its about a kid who’s saba has 3 drawers one of them is the kids colouring pages another is his old toys. But nobody knows whats in the third drawer it needs a key to open which is well hidden later on the kid finds the key!

He can’t resist opening it. Now heres where we are, Opening the box. I have to guess whats in the box, and I think It’s his saba’s old uniform and star which showed he was jewish he was forced to wear all that during the holocaust.

White 3 Drawer Dresser | What is the beauty behind the White… | Flickr

This years grade 5 reflection

This year I felt like I achieved learning vocabulary words. Things that were helpful to learn these words were gimkit and it was also helpful learning in class. Next year I think that learning inside clases and doing gimkits will help me next year too.

I don’t really think blogging helped me grow.

My blogging tips for grade 5’s next year is prepare for tests instead of studying last minute it gets you a TERRIBLE grade.


My smart goals

My smart goals were:  To write better, to be way better at algebra/understand algebra, to be good at Hebrew, math, French and to pay attention better. The way I have achieved these goals was I tried hard to write better and I achieved that goal. I also tried super hard to achieve my goal at algebra. I couldn’t be better though I did understand it a tiny bit better but I still do not understand it well. Paying attention was very hard for me but I think I paid attention sometimes. I think I achieved being better at Hebrew and I am still working on math and french. What I am proud of is:  I completed one goal which was writing better. I also worked hard and even though I didn’t complete most of them I am proud of myself for working hard and trying.

Public speaking self reflection

Hi today I was told to do a self reflection on my public speaking and a tiny bit of sombody else’s speech.

What I like about my public speaking is my conclusion I thought I did pretty good on that espiacilly the part where I said “Trot on down to your local stable and spend time with horses it will be the best thing you do all day!” I thought that was a great ending to my speach, I even memorized it!

Now what I could of done to improve was my points some of my writing made absolutly no sense and while I was speaking I needed to fix it in the middle of my speach like I said “When you don’t muck out stalls it’s a tiny bit neglected because if you were a horse would you like to be in a stall full of poop your whole life?” Now I kept most of it but dosent the “Its a tiny but neglected” make no sense? Yeah it really doesnt.

I liked Maia’s public speaking because it was really good and her speech made total sense in everything she said. It’s true! We really shouldn’t have homework!!

I think this person needed to improve their speaking because they kind of spoke really emotionless and they need to have a lot more emotion in speaking because you would not speak to your freinds like you have no emotion ever.

This is me doing my speech