I have really exciting news to share! But first I am going to jump into my reflection because if I tell you now it’s a spoiler😅
Let me begin,
It all started by finding out the theme of innovation day. The theme was electricity!! Me and Starielle worked together on this project and decided on making a surgery game. Starielle told me it didn’t have to only be a person getting surgery she told me it could be anything. Naturally I chose horses since I ride them and love them!🐴 Starielle was like yeah sure not a bad idea. So we finished our research and were doing so good that we finished early and started building quicker than most people. We had a couple struggles along the way but got through them. Basically I have ADHD, my partner Starielle doesn’t. So it was really hard for me to not get off track. Naturally for someone who doesn’t have ADHD and rarely gets off track, yes it would be annoying. So yeah it was harder with that and we managed! We both thought it would be fun to dress up and we dressed up as surgeons. Both our parents are nurses and doctors and so they got me and Starielle surgeon caps, surgeon gloves, surgeon masks, surgeon foot thingies and they both gave us they’re old stethoscopes. Finally my mom took me to get me and Starielle scrubs. Our outfits were complete! We presented and did great! We made jokes along the way through our speech or whatever its called and the judges loved it.
NOW!!! Here for my exciting news! Are you ready?
We got 2nd place!!! 🤩🥈
Thanks for reading bye!😃
Here are some pictures of me and Starielle! 🥳